Cell phone violations will now be charged as a major violation with some companies. What does this mean? A major violation in the insurance industry means they will not write your policy with this violation. Other examples of major violations are DUI/reckless driving or evading responsibility. So for 5 years you would have trouble finding insurance and would be paying substantially higher premiums. We were notified by one of our carriers that they will be cancelling all policies that have a cell phone violation and will no longer accept drivers that have this violation.
Since the State of CT refuses to increase fines for this violation, the insurance industry has decided that it is too big of a risk to insure these people.
The most recent statistics reported are from 2015 which shows 4% of all fatal crashes were due to distracted driving and with 9% of all crashes resulting in injuries. It is estimated that during daylight hours, approximately 660,000 drivers are using cell phones while driving. This is too many people putting their lives and other lives at risk. Maybe this will make people think twice about picking up their cell phones while driving.