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Important Notice For Homeowners Living Near Long Island Sound

Postcard of Laurel Beach Milford, CT 1910

Postcard of Laurel Beach Milford, CT 1910

There will be a significant change in law effective Oct 1st, 2014 that may affect Connecticut homeowners who live near Long Island Sound. For the past several years (since 2007), insurance companies have been permitted to NOT write any home located within 2600 feet to Long Island Sound with having what they called “wind mitigation”. This means homeowners could be denied of coverage if their homes did not have hurricane proof windows that provide greater protection from windborne hurricane damage. Effective Oct 1, insurance companies will no longer be allowed to do this.

At Barth Insurance we have had to turn away all the homes that were within 2600 feet to the sound because they did not have the expensive hurricane proof windows. If you already had a policy then you were grandfathered in, but if you were trying to shop for better rates then you had no insurance company willing to write you. Now a homeowner will be able to get insurance regardless if they have wind mitigation. Insurance companies requiring storm shutters or other mitigation is NOW prohibited by the State of Connecticut!

Here is the link to the new law that may help explain the changes and how they may affect you as a homeowner living near the water here in Connecticut.

If you have any questions or concerns or need help with your homeowner’s coverage, call family-owned and trusted Barth Insurance in Milford, CT at 203-878-3181. We would be happy to assist you!